Tuesday, March 25, 2008


With Spring comes eczema for Caleb. The rest get a bit of sniffles, easily handled. The eczema is a different matter. We now must lotion the boy. This involves catching him as he streaks past, one parent holding him while the other greases him up. Caleb's asperger's brings with it the certainty that lotion, creams or any oils will cause great harm to him. I used to sneak in his room and lotion his hands while he was asleep. Now that I am pregnant I never seem to be awake longer than him. I know that must be an easier way but we haven't found it.

Evan on the other hand has slipped back to his previous ocd about traveling. He is doing much better with his homeschooling group but getting to events is an event in itself. First it is several trips to the bathroom, then the please not the freeway speech. We may also have to stop midway for another bathroom stop. I will put up with this as long as he is doing better at reading social cues and getting along with others.

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