Friday, August 17, 2007

Hard questions-harder answers

I find my children can ask some very hard questions. I also find the answers to be even harder in some cases. Questions like, "When I grow up will I find someone to love?" "If someone took me and you couldn't find me, would you keep looking?" "When I grow up will I know what to do?". Today my five year old Kate asked me another one of those questions. " Mommy I have a question. What would you do if someone hit our car while you were pumping gas and Emma and me died?" My first response was, "what a terrible question". She insisted on an answer. I told her I would be very very sad. That was not the truth. I couldn't tell her, I would die right then and there. A part of me would no longer exist. I would continue on in life I am sure but a part of me would not. I have known women over the years that have lost children. I saw in all of them that part that no longer lived. There are no easy answers to questions children can ask. Oh I have books to answer questions like"Why is the sky blue?" or "How far is it to the moon?" Children don't always ask those questions. I have been asked questions far tougher than any mid term could ever be. "Why do people kill each other?" "Why do some people hate other people because they look different?" "Why do some parents hurt or kill their children? Didn't they love them anymore?" The answers are sometimes just not there. Some are there but too complicated to explain.

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